Why subscribe?
Jon J. Cardwell has been writing daily devotionals for nearly three decades. Since called to the pastoral ministry in 2000, he continued writing daily devotionals for his own personal growth and spiritual development. While he occasionally sent out those devotionals since 2002, at the request of some of those in the congregation he was ministering to at the time, he began sending out daily emails in 2016. Having joined Substack in June 2022, he continues to provide free daily devotionals to anyone who desires to grow in grace and grow stronger in faith.
Subscribe to get full access to the daily devotionals and the website. Never miss a day without a daily meditation upon the Scriptures. The Daily Devotions are absolutely f-r-double-E, gratis.
The daily devotionals, articles, and commentaries will all be accessible for two weeks for all free subscriptions. Once they are archived, only those with a paid subscription can access them.
Moreover, you’ll receive two free eBooks, KISS Christianity and the Robert Murray M’Cheyne “Daily Bread” Bible Reading Plan.
Why a paid subscription?
If you subscribe with a paid subscription, you’ll receive full access to all Jon’s content, including all archived articles and devotionals, as well as to the commentary on the book of Revelation, The Testimony of Jesus, and John Bunyan’s The Holy War in Modern English. You’ll also receive two other eBooks, A Puritan Family Devotional and What is Love? Future content for paid subscriptions will include articles on Church history, the attributes of God, and the nature and character of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Be part of a community of people who desire to glorify God daily through the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Messiah.
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Who is this Cardwell fella?
One of the questions on the minds of those who venture into the realm of Daily Email Devotionals on this Substack platform is “Who in the wide world of sports is Jon J. Cardwell?”
He’s what some people have defined as a Reformed Baptist pastor, preacher of the gospel, and author of several books, including the Amazon bestseller, CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED.
A former Navy deep sea diver and Christian missionary to remote locales, his globetrotting and diversified background have been useful for helping others since he recognizes there are a multitude of perspectives all around the world.
He has eaten raw snake in Subic Bay and raw seal in Scammon Bay; monkey in Asia and moose in Alaska; balut in Luzon and bison in Lincoln. He has survived floods, blizzards, super typhoons, a major volcanic eruption, swimming with sharks, and a life-threatening disease (which turned out not to be the initially diagnosed disease or life-threatening illness after all). He has met a prince and ministered to the poorest of the poor in their homes in the garbage dump of Manila.
At one time in history, Jon was the “Spirited Speaker with Compelling Insights” who was sought for speaking engagements in the areas regarding Christian mission, ministry, and mogo-on-the-g’go-go.
He has four children, three grandchildren and currently lives in Ninilchik, Alaska with his wife, Melissa, and two dogs, Khelev (“dog” in Hebrew) and Sadie (Khelev’s sister). Jon is currently the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church since May 2018, his fifth pastorate since the Lord called him into the ministry is 2000.
In theology, he’s covenental.
In ecclessiology, he’s congregational and particularly baptist.
In praxology, he aims to be Christ-exalting, while his gregarious nature sometimes (possibly oft times) slips out.
In eschatology, he’s amillennial with historical pre-millennial leanings; or historical pre-mil with an amil background.
His testimony of saving grace in Christ can be found by clicking here.
Jon is a promoter and propagator of biblical Christianity, and you can read the statement of faith held by the congregation of his current pastorate, Calvary Baptist Church, Ninilchik, Alaska, by clicking here.
He has been in general agreement with the 1689 London Baptist Confession as his personal statement of faith since 1989; and you can download a PDF copy of that confession of faith by clicking here.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture texts marked (KJV) are from The King James Version of the Holy Bible (1769). The King James Version of the Bible is in the public domain.
Scripture texts marked (PJT) are the “Pastor Jon translation” of the Scripture, translated by Jon Cardwell from their original languages.
Just letting you know ahead of time.