Do You Realize How Fleeting We Are?
8/31 Reading Portions: 1 Samuel 24; 1 Corinthians 5; Ezekiel 3; Psalm 39
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8/31 Reading Portions: 1 Samuel 24; 1 Corinthians 5; Ezekiel 3; Psalm 39
Psalm 39:4
“O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!”
While some may take the sum of this psalm as a dirge, a song of sorrow in a time of weakness, Mr. Spurgeon regards this verse as akin to the despair of Elijah…
“in his agony, ‘Let me die, I am no better than my fathers?’” —C. H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David
—and rightly so, for the context of the entire psalm would seem to align thus. Nevertheless, as a psalm from a believer for believers, it presents another great truth, lending to a slightly different perspective. When temptations press against us (Psa 39:1), when our passions arouse (Psa 39:3a), when our thoughts are on fire (Psa 39:3b), or when the heavenly Father’s chastisements strike us sore (Psa 39:10), we must seek from the Lord the revelation of our mortality and the brevity of life. Why is that? Since we’ve been saved by God’s grace, Christ’s everlasting presence and the indwelling Holy Spirit give us a glimpse of eternity. The protection of Christ’s presence and the comfort of the Comforter’s leading may cause us to unduly consider our eternal state while living in these mortal bodies. Certainly, we are seated together with Christ in heavenly places (Eph 2:6), nevertheless, we are not yet immortal or glorified,
…and what we will be has not yet appeared; 1 John 3:2
When, in Christ’s presence, we recognize our frailty, our mortality, and the brevity of life, we can resolve to submit that much more to God in Christ; we can resolve to cling to our Lord Jesus and His old rugged cross. Because our days our measured and we are fleeting, we can resolve to walk “in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time… because the days are evil” (Col 4:5; Eph 5:16). Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Yes, Lord Jesus, make known to me
My end and days’ measure;
I’ll trust You more when I can see
You’re my only treasure.